26 July 2011


Most of us resist change.  I do.  I do not want to let go, give up the familiar or comfortable for the unknown and uncertain.  Personal experience teaches me that usually any change will be even better than what I hold on to.  Nonetheless, change is frightening.
A sunflower in its prime before its passage
 to its next beautiful stage of life

I am now a wee bit beyond the big Five-Oh and struggle with graceful acceptance of the changes I see in my body.  Emotionally, I am a mere twenty-something.  Physically, I am -- well, I won't say.  But I am at the age when my body goes through many changes faster than I can recognize them. Silent passage I think is what people call it.  I am not ready!  There are too many items I still want to do in my current stage of life.  This stage of the aging process signifies some things I do not want to have to consider.

I know very little about this stage of life I enter. Somehow I thought I would be exempt, that these physiological changes would not happen to me. Guess what?  It is time for me to come off my comfy, puffy, pillowy cloud of denial.  The time is now to stop resisting, holding on so tight, and to begin to let go and accept what is happening.  I can do whatever is in my power to retard the aging process, have fun, and keep my body in motion.  As for my mind and emotional self, it is time to be even more rooted in who I am, develop those qualities that matter most to me -- past, present, and future -- and practice being more kind, compassionate, and self-accepting.  Life is a process, a fact that makes more sense as I get older.
How do you welcome change in your life?

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you're looking good girl! There's still nothing stopping you. And yes, be more compassionate towards yourself! You're gorgeous, strong, talented and just coming into the stage of your life where wisdom and the ability to act on it can manifest beautifully. Turn to the sun gorgeous lady and keep on shining! You are a truly cherished friend xxx
